Short-term Rental Registration

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Pursuant to Falmouth's Short-term Rental Ordinance, effective January 1, 2022, no person shall advertise, operate, or rent a short-term rental in the Town of Falmouth without first registering the short-term rental with the Town. Short-term rental is defined as the advertising, offering for rent, use, control, management, or operation of a dwelling unit in whole or in part, for dwelling, sleeping, or lodging purposes for a period of less than thirty consecutive days, for compensation, directly or indirectly. The annual registration fee is $300.

The online form for 2024 registrations and renewals is now open. The ordinance requires that owners renew their short-term rental registrations annually on or before January 1. 

Please Note: All new registrations after November 1, 2023 will be considered 2024 registrations. Please email or call Julie Baxter at (207) 699-5335 if you intend to advertise, operate, or rent your short-term rental before the end of the year and have not already registered with the Town. 

Town staff are happy to assist you with the registration process. Please email or call Julie Baxter at (207) 699-5335 if you have questions or need additional information.


Click here to view the list of registered short-term rental units as of May 9, 2024.